Each week $XBL devs will raffle away 1 XBox console live on stream!
Step 02
1000 Chances to Win!
There will be 1000 raffle chances.
Step 03
No Limit – Burn & Win!
Burn $1 worth of $XBL token for each chance. NO LIMIT! BURN AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE! 🔥
Step 04
$1K Burn = Live Draw!
When $1000 worth of $XBL tokens get burned, the team will go live on stream to pick the winning wallet
Step 05
Live Xbox Delivery!
Team will get in contact with winner. Ship the XBox and go live on stream with winner on delivery day.
All winners will be randomly selected by a bot that randomly goes through the 1/1000 blockchain entries. So the more you burn, the higher chance bot picks you!